Activating the Divine Human - Embracing Our Shadow As Well As Our Light


Join me and 11 other inspiring co-authors as we share our transformative journeys of healing in this BookFest award-winning publication from I.AM Publishing.

This book marks my debut in the world of publishing, and the experience has been deeply cathartic. Writing about my life, both the joyful and painful moments, was a powerful process. Throughout our journey, our group collaborated closely, exchanging drafts and offering support and empathy—something unique to this project. Unlike traditional publishing, where writers typically work with just one or two editors, we were able to engage with one another, building a sense of community and connection.

You can find this book in both eBook and printed formats on Amazon, or order a signed printed copy directly from me.

~ Lyra Silverstein

12 authors, 12 personal journeys of transformation

Have you ever felt like life is a journey of uncovering your true self? This book invites you to explore the profound experience of duality and unity through the captivating stories of its courageous authors.

This book is more than just a collection of narratives—it’s a guide to shedding identities shaped by fear and embracing the full spectrum of who you are. Dive into the transformative tales that integrate light and shadow aspects. Through this powerful sharing, you’ll discover peace, authenticity, and inner fulfillment.

Join us on this path of self-discovery and empowerment. Let these stories inspire you to embrace your uniqueness and live authentically. This book is your companion in exploring the depths of your soul and discovering the beauty in both your light and shadow. 

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Cassandra K
This book has an energy that is palpable and unique…even through the screen it buzzes with life. Though each story was different, every story in this book had a component I could relate to. The things that we hide or bury are surprisingly universal…the Love encountered when excavating these things is as well. This book is like a proof of that universal Love.
I have to say that after reading this book it is easier to integrate the feeling that we all truly are one in more tangible and less abstract way. Amazingly healing to read these stories. Highly recommend to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the underbelly of their shine. Deeply respect the authors here for revealing all of themselves.
I highly recommend this beautiful book. The authors take us on a courageous journey, sharing their deeply personal experiences with such honesty and vulnerability that it resonates on a profound level. By lifting the veil on the pain points in their lives and their journey toward liberation, they create a powerful connection with the reader, offering a sense of solidarity and understanding. It reminds us that we aren't alone in our struggles and there is light on the other side!
Brian Lantier
I cannot say enough about this beautiful and inspirational book. Every page spoke to me with a message of strength and vulnerability. The chapter The Golden Path, in particular, had so much meaning for me as a fellow veteran, who is working to live the back of my life with greater presence, awareness, spirituality, and authenticity.
I cannot wait to start sharing copies of this book with the important people in my life to assist them in their unique spiritual journeys.
Kate Mach
I have only read the last chapter by Victoria Stattel so far, but I'm amazed and inspired by her story. Victoria articulates well her courage in leaning on her intuition and in giving time and space to journey deep within herself and the spirit. I feel empowered and encouraged by her story to continue my own path into deeper trust in divine guidance.
There are some similarities in these richly vivid stories. That alone conjures questions of universality, not just within humans, but about life itself. The differences in style and inforative insights make this a must.
It awakens also of the gift of being a better listener i.e. student.
As we strive to create a world where personal growth leads to global change, these brave and powerful stories of transformation provide much-needed inspiration and hope.
Dawn Renee Bova
I loved Mielles Chapter regarding Change. When we lead with love, the world opens up to us. She shares wonderful insights. This book is a must for anyone wanting to live life to the fullest right here, right now!
Grab your copy today!
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Ready to begin your journey? Order your copy today and join a community of kindred spirits committed to living from the heart.